Land NFTs

Players who own these NFTs have the same privileges as landlords (who own real estate).

In Crypto Metropolis, in addition to being a superhero, players can also own real estate for different purposes. Owning real estate in Crypto Metropolis means that you can hire employees to 'work' on your land, generating you substantial income. Conversely, as an employee, you can apply to 'work' for different employers who own real estate.

Within each Land NFT, the player will have the option to create the following:

  • Crypto Garden

Here, users grow 'Crypto Trees' that are harvested for materials needed to craft different items in the game. Depending on the type of seed sown, the care and time to take care of each type of Crypto Tree will be different.

The Crypto Garden

  • The Shop

A place where players can list their products for other players to buy. Each shop has a number of slots for items for sale and the prices are listed by the shop owner themselves. Players need to have a solid sales and advertising strategy for their store and products to attract buyers. In addition, product pricing is also an important factor in competition.

  • The Forge

Players can craft useable items, weapons, or skill books to use or resell at the shop. When crafting products, players need to have raw materials or buy raw materials from other players / the Shop. Crafted products will have a probability of success and failure, depending on the difficulty and rarity of the product. If you are lucky enough to create a rare product, you can sell it for a profit.

The Forge

  • The Warehouse

A place to store things the player has not used such as raw materials harvested from the Crypto Garden, raw materials purchased to prepare for crafting, and seeds to plant trees, etc.

Note: When the warehouse is full and materials are unsold, there is no point in harvesting.

The Warehouse

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